Baby A’ First Flight LAX to LAS

After weighing the pros and cons, Baby A and I decided to accompany Chris to the Society of Actuaries Annual Meeting in Las Vegas, Nevada on October 23-26, 2016. Although this destination is not the most ideal for an infant, we wanted to have a short trip as a practice run to prepare for longer flights upcoming with the baby. Continue reading

Four-Year Wedding Anniversary

Since my previous post from our three-year wedding anniversary, Chris and I were expecting our first child and have spent the last three months adjusting as new parents to our son Baby A. Pregnancy presented travel limitations as well as food and drink restrictions; parenthood challenged our basic necessities of eat and sleep.

We were able to sneak away for our first evening sans baby to celebrate our wedding anniversary as new parents (thanks to my in-laws for babysitting). Chris made reservations at Ruth’s  Chris in Anaheim, California for the Robert Mondavi Wine Dinner. Continue reading