Secret Trip Destination #3 – Milan, Italy

Milan is the second largest city in Italy and is filled with art and fashion. The hotel in which Chris and I stayed was next to the Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II, which is a beautiful four story shopping mall with designer stores, such as Louis Vuitton and Prada. We walked by a filming in progress during the morning of our second day in Milan.

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Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II with Glass Ceiling
Film Shooting in Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II

Because we were unable to pre-purchase tickets to view The Last Supper and since Milan a relatively small city, Chris planned a walking tour that included admission to see Leonardo da Vinci’s The Last Supper. On our way to the tour, we recovered from the scorching heat by taking shelter in Venchi for a strawberry and lemon gelato cone.

Strawberry and Lemon Gelato Cone from Venchi

The tour started at Santa Maria delle Grazie, a Church and Dominican monastery. Leonardo da Vinci’s The Last Supper was located on a dining room wall of this building. We learned that Leonardo da Vinci refused to follow the traditional method of fresco painting on wet plaster, and as a result, The Last Supper has significant damage over the years.

Façade of Santa Maria delle Grazie
Back of Santa Maria delle Grazie
Photograph of Leonardo da Vinci’s The Last Supper (Photos not allowed on painting)

The tour continued to San Maurizio al Monastero Maggiore. The exterior of the building was plain, but inside walls contained perfectly preserved fresco paintings. Unlike Leonardo da Vinci, these painters used the appropriate fresco technique. Plaster was applied in small sections, and each day the artist would paint only on the wet plaster. Any sections completed on previous days cannot be edited as the plaster would be dry.

Fresco Paintings inside San Maurizio al Monastero Maggiore

We walked through Castello Sforzesco before arriving at the Milan Stock Exchange. Maurizio Cattelan Middle Finger Sculpture is without a doubt a controversial piece of art, but upon closer observation, the vein detail on the back of the hand has stunning resemblance to that of David di Michelangelo located in Florence, Italy.

Castello Sforzesco
Maurizio Cattelan Middle Finger at Milan Stock Exchange

The walking tour concluded at Duomo di Milano, right by our hotel. The cathedral was built using Candoglia marble, which erodes into black dusts from environmental elements. As a result, the cathedral is constantly undergoing reconstruction with replacement marble. The repaired locations are easily identified as these are stark white in contrast to the darker damaged marble. The tour included tickets to the lift that provided access to the rooftop of the gothic cathedral. From the rooftop, we were able to see detailed elements of the elaborate building.

Duomo di Milano (Milan Cathedral)
Inside View of Duomo di Milano
Gothic Spires and Gargoyles of Duomo di Milano
Contemporary Tennis Racket Detail on Duomo di Milano
Benito Mussolini Detail on Duomo di Milano
Chris and I on Roof of Duomo di Milano
La Madonnina on Top of Duomo di Milano
Candoglia arble Repairs on Duomo di Milano

After the walking tour, Chris and I quickly freshened up back at our hotel before making our way to Expo Milano 2015, in which various countries display their take on feeding the planet and energy for life. We were required to purchase a special ticket (return trip 5 Euros per person) for the Metro to Rho Fiera station, since this was outside the standard urban area. We were not able to view many exhibits as there were huge crowds and massive lines for each pavilion, but we did wait in line for delicious pastas from the Eataly food area.

Duomo Train Station
Pavilion Zero of Expo Milano 2015
Crowds at Expo Milano 2015
Display outside China Exhibit in Expo Milano 2015
Sign outside United States of America Exhibit
View of Expo Milano 2015 from USA Evhibit
Food Truck Nation inside USA Exhibit at Expo Milano 2015
Me in Front of Giant Jar of Nutella Display
Chocolate in Different Languages
La Trofie al Pesto from Officini Del Gusto
Tagliolini de Pasta Fresca con Funghi Procini from Trattoria Visconti

We finished off the night with ALLAVITA!, a Cirque du Soleil show created especially for the Universal Exposition in Milan. Chris had pre-purchased tickets for the blue section of the Open-Air Theater. As I am more accustomed to the smaller theater style of Cirque du Soleil in Las Vegas, this Open-Air Theater has a large audience and some seats had obscured views. We found an elevated seat off to the side, and had pretty decent views of the hour-long show.

Acrobats on Stilts Swaying like Lily Flowers
Signage for Allavita!
Audience at Allavita!
Stage at Allavita!

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