Secret Trip Destination #1 – Vienna, Austria Food

We tried going to Purstner restaurant for dinner during our first evening in Vienna, but was turned away because we did not have reservations. We instead had sausages from a wurstelstand street vendor just off Graben.

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Chris and I ordered Frankfurter and Bratwurst, both hot dog style (served in long roll). The sausages were flavorful, but the ratio of bread to sausage was off when ordered inside the large roll.

Sausage Offerings at Wurstelstand Street Vendor
Frankfurter and Bratwurst mit Brot

After working up an appetite from a bike tour around Vienna on the second day, we had lunch at Glacis Beisl, located behind the Museums Quartier. We sat in the outside patio area, which was shaded by grape vines. Chris and I had a 0.5 liter glass of Schloss Eggenberg Premium Lager and 1/8 liter glass of Riesling von Gosing white wine, respectively. While in Vienna, we wanted to sample the traditional cuisine. Chris ordered the weiner schnitzel (pork cutlet pounded flat, coated in flour, egg, and breadcrumbs, and fried in clarified butter) and I ordered the goulash (beef stew).

Street Entrance to Glacis Beisl Restaurant
Schloss Eggenberg Premium Lager and Riesling von Gosing Wine
Weiner Schnitzel mit Gemischtem Salat
Bio-Rinds-Goulash mit Kaisersemmel (Klein)

Because we were turned away from the restaurant the night before, we asked our hotel concierge to make a reservation for us at the Purstner restaurant. We were able to get a table at 7:00 PM to taste the homemade Viennese dishes. The restaurant had a rustic feel, with vintage looking collectables decorating the walls. Chris and I started with Gruner Veltliner white wine and Ottakringer Winer Original beer. Chris, again, ordered the Wiener Schnitzel (fried escalope of bread crumbed veal with potato salad), and I tried the Tafelspitz (boiled beef with roasted potatoes, chive sauce, and apple horseradish sauce). For dessert, we indulged in the traditional Apfelstrudel (homemade apple strudel).

Decorations inside Purstner Restaurant
Gruner Veltliner White Wine and Ottakringer Winer Original Draught Beer
Side of Roasted Potatoes, Chive Sauce, and Apple Horseradish Sauce
Original Weiner Schnitzel vom Kalb
Apfelstrudel with Vanilla Ice Cream

During our third and last full day in Vienna, we visited Bitzinger (not far from Musikverein), recommended by our bike tour guide. This time, Chris and I ordered our sausages mit Brot und Senf (with bread and sauce). We selected the Klobasse (Burenwurst) and Currywurst sausages, which were presented sliced on a paper tray with a side of spicy mustard and a slice of rye bread. We found this to be much more enjoyable than eating the sausage inside a hot dog roll.

Sausage Offerings at Bitzinger
Klobasse (Burenwurst) and Currywurst Sausages

Our bike tour guide also recommended Demel, a famous pastry shop and chocolatier in Vienna. Demel is known for their variation on sachertorte, which is a moist chocolate cake with apricot jam. We placed our order for the cake with the bakery counter downstairs before being directed upstairs to the dining area and escorted to a table. Chris and I ordered the Kleiner Espresso mit Milch and Milchschaum (small espresso with warm milk and milk foam) and Demels Gekuhlte Schokolade (Demel’s cold chocolate) to accompany our sachertorte.

Bakery Display of Cakes and Pastries (Demel)
Cake Decorators Working on Beautiful Designs (Demel)
Espresso and Cold Chocolate (Demel)
Sachertorte (Demel)
Outside Demel Storefront

What a sweet ending to our short visit to Vienna. Until next time …

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