Secret Trip Preview

After much anticipation for a better part of a year, the Secret Trip (reference Background Information) that Chris has been planning for 11 months is finally here. Be sure to subscribe to Food.Wada.Travel and follow along on our journey, in case social media is restricted in any of the destinations.

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It was not easy packing for a month long trip, but Chris worked closely with my sister Jessica to put together a packing list for me, without leaking any information about the locations or activities. The only clues that Chris has shared are that we will be traveling to ten locations and seven time zones, we will not be leaving the country from LAX, and we will not be repeating any destinations that we had previously visited.

Two Check-in and Two Carry-on Luggage

The last ten days of the trip are not a secret. We will be meeting with my brother Tommy, my sister Jessica, and my parents in Hong Kong before traveling to Seoul for the last part of their Asia trip. The first part of their trip involved Japan and Taiwan, which are locations that Chris and I had already visited last November. Recently, news about the elevated tensions between North Korea and South Korea are causing us to reconsider our travels to Seoul. We are holding off on changing our travel itinerary, but have cancelled our Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) tour reservation. At this point in time, the Embassy of the United States has not issued any travel announcements regarding South Korea, but we will definitely keep a close eye and adjust our travel plans as necessary.

I’m so excited for this adventure with Chris, but we sure are going to miss our little (2+ year old) puppy Q-Tip! Special thanks to my in-laws for dog sitting for the month.

Q-Tip with Treat Filled Toys

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